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Adeline Tsang

Complementary Therapist

Daoyin Tao Chinese Face Massage


How It Works

Daoyin Tao releases trapped and stagnant energy, thus allowing the body to begin the process of healing itself from within, often at the deepest levels. Most common ailments we 'live with' are ideally suited to the deep healing potential of this complimentary therapy.

What happens during a treatment?

By using a holistic approach, the aim is to identify how Daoyin Tao can assist you towards better balanced health and well-being. With Daoyin Tao the focus is on treating the person rather than a specific ailment. An initial private and confidential consultation will help your practitioner to design an individual treatment for you.
To receive the treatment you will be asked to make your neck and shoulders accessible. Necklaces, earrings and hair accessories need to be removed. You will lie on your back, covered with a towel/blanket, with your head supported. The contact will be to your shoulders, neck, face and ears with scalp optional. Any concerns about your hair should be minimal as Daoyin Tao practitioners are trained to avoid using excessive oil.
Your treatment will last 30 minutes. Some practitioners may combine Daoyin Tao with another therapy to make your overall treatment last an hour, or even longer. Charges will vary accordingly.
At the end of your treatment, after a few minutes of quiet time to yourself, you will be offered a drink of water to refresh yourself. Look forward to enjoying the benefits in the days following your treatment.

Optimum benefit is usually gained from three to four sessions received on a weekly basis, as the effect is cumulative. Thereafter, monthly maintenance sessions are ideal for preventative healthcare.


The benefits of Daoyin Tao:

Daoyin Tao has shown itself to:

Relaxation, rebalancing, revitalisation, rejuvenation and detoxification are all components of a Daoyin Tao treatment, leaving the recipient with a lasting sense of well-being and improved health.

Daoyin Tao has a great deal of healing potential, whether you seek deep relaxation or assistance with the management or particular health concerns.






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