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Adeline Tsang

Complementary Therapist

Me giving shoulder massage

Therapeutic Massage

How It Works

Massage is one of the most effective, soothing, calming, relaxing ways to reduce stress and muscular tension.

Massage is an ancient tradition inspired by our instinct to heal through touch. Hence, massage is the manipulation of soft tissues for therapeutic purposes.

The massage therapy I give combines an awareness of the needs of the individual, with Swedish massage and several other therapeutic techniques to promote health and well-being. The body's own resources for natural healing are stimulated.

Everyone needs time to relax and deserves to be nurtured. Giving time to restore ourselves can enhance the quality of our lives, bringing a deeper sense of relaxation and renewed vitality.


Deep massage can help the client to release held-in emotional traumas. This will help to unblock fears and liberate courage to create balance and vitality.


The massage therapy I offer is given in a calm and peaceful environment.

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