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Adeline Tsang

Complementary Therapist

Stress Management and Relaxation

What is Stress?

Stress is a normal body response to perceived danger and threat - the Fight/Flight syndrome. This is under the total control of our Automatic Nervous System and when this is activated it stimulates a chain of reactions throughout our bodies via the endocrine system (hormonal). The body is prepared for battle or to run away from danger. When we allow stress to build up over a prolonged period of time, this will be harmful.

Harmful effects of Prolonged Stress


When muscles are relaxed tension cannot build up.

We cannot eliminate our automatic stress reaction but we can reduce the harmful effects of stress to a manageable level.

I teach clients various methods of relaxation and coping skills to combat and reduce the harmful effects of stress.


These are tailored to suit individual clients' or groups' needs.
Minimum: 2 hours per session.

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